Friday, January 29, 2010

Shopping Time!

So excited, going shopping in Tampa tomorrow. Bailey is having a candy style party so I am looking for tons of candy containers and any decor resembling a candy store. If you see things keep me in mind! Well let's see what I can find....

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My wonderful husband!

O.K so I am inside (ofcourse) and Jay is outside installing a new bike rack thing on my car. Yea I think this must have all been planned. I was happy with my big ol' SUV who cares about gas I really don't go to many spots, but no this was the "responsible" decision he said. I am beginning to think he just didn't want to get rid of his truk and now will be using my car for the many bike adventures. Is it wrong if I conviently have something planned each day he rides????? Sorry honey but I need the car today.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Trimming the Pine Trees!

So we are half way through the week and only two days till payday! I am excited it has been 7 weeks! Insane huh? Gotta love being a teacher. Today has been a really great day, it was early release and I actually got to pick my little bai up early. She was so happy to see me and couldn't wait to go home and play onher "playground". Yea it consist of two swings and a slide, but hey she's happy. Well while I was out there I decided to trim up the trees. Someone should have told me that trimming pine trees is insanly hard (Insanly-is this a word?) Anyways what use to be pine trees to the ground (5) pretty little christmas shaped trees now look like palm trees. Thank god it is dark now and Jay will not be able to see. I even hid the evidence back behind a fence..not that when he mowes the lawn he won't see but it gives me a little time to come up with a reason I took his NEW axe out and cut pine trees. I actually think it looks good and when my friend Ms. ASHLEY HINES decided to help me learn this whole "blogging thing I will post some pics. Well more news tomorrow. By the way I am beginning to kind of like my new car, still missing the SUV but 7 days driving and still half close to 1/2 a tank, can't complain there!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Who am I

Not sure how all this works but here goes... I am nervous with all the myspace and facebook but need an outlet so I am choosing to blog.
I am the mother of a beautiful little girl born March of 2007 and the wife of a handsome, sweet and of course amazing man. I have many friends and truely enjoy my life. I am teacher to a wonderful class and part of a school that I think is truely great. I enjoy being with my family, srapbooking and hanging out with my friends, especially the ones who really know how to cook.
I have a great mother who always put her children above her a trait I feel is very important, I am the oldest of three kids. A sister to a wonderful brother Richard my best bud, the one I dump all my problems on. I have a sister named Mikka whom I love. I have 6 nieces! Someone needs to have a boy soon, that someone not being me. I had big dreams of having many kids, well at least three. That idea was shattered by labor, they say you forget the pain. Nope, not me. I can say though that Bailey ws worth it all. She is my ray of sunshine to say the least. Well I will be back soon, I am sure with many of stories. My life is consumed at this point with a lollipop birthday party (baieys 3rd b-day) and doctor appointments (bailey's knot on her ankle) and did I mention my husband talked me in to getting a car! Yea these are blogs in themselves.