Sunday, December 25, 2011

December wrapped up!

If I had one wish at this very moment, it would be for time to slow down! How can I be so far behind when I have had 364 days to prepare for Christmas. Between classroom projects and parties to gifts and crafts, I had so much I wanted to blog about this month, but if I don’t cram it all in to this blog (which I am writing at 1:30a.m as I wait for goodies to finish) I will be behind and I am afraid I may not catch up, so here goes! My month of December summed up in a few lines and some pics!
Our class gift, the kids passed these out to the office staff and wheel teachers 

Our christmas pics-Bailey's teachers sweet little sis!

our baby gingerbread writing activity (don't you just love the diaper!)

one of my sweet students invited us to watch her Christmas program, I had 5 of my past babies in it! They were all so precious!

Bailey sang like a champ in her Christmas prgram at school!

Her daddy made over!

pj party at school!

1st Grade Grinch Day! Love these ladies!!


Charley said...

Love the gloves! I hope your family has a quiet and blessed Christmas...

Crystal said...


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